Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Planning of the digipak - 7/12/2010

During today's lesson we began to think about the best way to go about creating the digipak. We decided to brainstorm ideas (using the conventions list as a guide) . The conventions of the digipak almost created a tick list of what needed to be included so we then began to brainstorm ideas about layout, font, text and colours . We all threw in a number of idea which we feel related to the theme running through our video. Obviously the spoof theme of the video means we want to portray a lighthearted finish with the digipak. Therefore , we decided that having the gorilla on the digipak was important as it gives the viewer and idea of what is going on . We liked the idea of almost telling a story through the digipak , each panel revealing an aspect of key themes within the narrative. Therefore, we decided to finalise ideas from the list and then apply them to a template. Below is the template which we drew up and is almost a first draft of the digipak:
Front Panel and Front Inside Panel

Both Middle panel's

Inside Back Panel and
Back Panel

Above is the first draft (as mentioned) . From here we will take the screeshots needed and then place them on photoshop to begin the editing process. During this we will finalise the font size and colours and layout , but this is useful as a guide and gives us something to refer back to.

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