Monday, 6 December 2010

Individual Log of Filming - Georgia Briggs

My main role within the coursework project was acting as the Gorilla.

Day One of Filming
Today, we decided to film the mirror scene when Matt tries to look like the Gorilla (my character). The main problem we came across this day of filming was the lighting. The location we were filming in was facing the sun so when the light came in through the window it was too bright to be able to see Matt properly on camera. We experimented different positions at the window and even tried to film in another room, however we found that after a while the sun had gone in and we were then able to film successfully. While we were filming we were aware that including a variety of shots was essential so we filmed shots from different perspectives and when the lyrics needed to be mimed, a particular part of the song was played so that the lyrics could be mimed exactly in time to the music. During the filming process we tried to keep to our storyboard as much as possible, but we found in some cases that the shots we had timed did not appropriately fit to the instrumentals of the song, we improvised as a group with how to solve this problem. So we decided as a group how to adapt the shot, this meant extending the length of the shot or inserting another one.

Day Two of Filming
Today we had planned to film the picnic scene outdoors, but because of heavy rain we were unable to do this. Instead, we decided to film the Male and Female introductions. Alex filmed Megan's introduction where she was getting ready and he then filmed Matt's introduction where he was getting ready for his date. These were both filmed in separate locations. Neither of the introductions involved miming, so it was a quick process.

Day Three of Filming
Today was the day we were due to film in the Cafe. Up until now our filming process had been easy because of the locations we had been filming in, as the cafe was a business in a public place we needed permission from the owner. I asked if it was possible for us to film in his cafe, and he was kind enough to give us an hour slot in the cafe to film what we needed. This put us under pressure because we had a strict time to be finished and out of the cafe. Overall the filming process went smoothly however we did come across some problems. We couldn't find the right position of where we wanted to film the "Where?!" shot. However, after trying out a few places and putting on the uniforms of the cafe workers we found the right shot. Matt was the main focus of today's filming as he had to mime a considerate amount and we needed to make sure that these were done properly otherwise the song would not be in time with the miming.

Day Four of Filming
As the weather had improved, we filmed the picnic scene at the park. In this location we had quite alot to get done which consisted of the banana feeding and Matt miming. The filming process today was a little harder than normal because we were filming in a location that is constantly used and despite the cold weather, there were alot of dog walkers so we were interrupted on numerous occasions. The glare from the sun was also a problem today, as we filmed early hours of the morning, the sun was out. We positioned the camera differently so that the glare would not affect the filming. We also had a problem with the tripod, one of the pieces that was needed to attach the camera to the tripod was missing we improvised and attached the camera to the tripod ourselves.

Day Five of Filming
Today was the final day of filming and it was the hardest day by far. We had a huge amount to film and not a great deal of time. We had problems with our location to start with, this was because of the time we actually got up to Chancery Lane, it was very busy and it meant that it wasn't really suitable to film there. Ideally we did want people to be in our surroundings but not to that extent. For me, this day was by far the most embarrassing, although i had got used to being in the Gorilla costume and having people watching me, I felt a lot more exposed this day and felt like people were watching me a lot more.

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