Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Lesson review 14/12/2010 - Alex Nugent

Today we began actually transforming our idea into a finished digipak. This process involved taking the photos we had taken yesterday and placing them up onto editing software and arranging it into the desired format. We divided responsibility evenly, I did the front panel which used the photo of the male character looking angry at the the gorilla and the female character. Firstly , I uploaded the photo's then dividing each photo equally in the group we edited each one to create each panel. We started to create 3 panels in today's lesson. I uploaded the image and then dragged it into industry renewed technology called 'photoshop'. This software allows images to be cropped , altered , change of brightness and colour, ect. Each image had to be extracted , taking each figure out . I had to extract the gorilla, female character , whilst Matt did the male character. The extraction was quite a strenuous process , we had to use a tool called a lasso which allowed me to whiten out the background of the image. Below is an example of what it looked like :

Here the images is taken out by drawing around each figure. Then copy and paste the image onto a template which was previously set up . It is also important to note i made the background transparent meaning we can alter layers of information . Then we took Matt's figure and placed it onto the same template and played around with it to make it fit. This process was quite straightforward , all we had to do was transform it to scale and drag the corners to make it smaller. The main problem i counted today was the fact we decided to extract each character from different photos. This was a problem as the lighting in each one was very different and you could tell it was two different images. Therefore, I used the 'brightness /contrast' setting which allowed us to lessen the differences between the two figures. Now it looks like the photo was taken in one as opposed to placed in separately. After this we then added in text on top for the title and the critics. Overall , the process was quite stress free, it took a bit of time to get my head around the software however I managed. I also found the change in idea a very good one as I think it will make the finish outcome look much better. Each member in the group did the same thing meaning we have successfully started 3 panels . We still need to the 'dedication to Joe Jackson ' , the back panel and the CD holder. After looking at the finish we might have to tweak the idea further as we feel using the white backdrop throughout may look boring and people might not understand the simplicity of the design emphasises the nature of the narrative.

Changes to the digipak

Today we began photoshopping our digipak . We did this using photos taken previously . One photo which we decided to alter was the front cover ; instead of the male character standing in the middle with the two characters on the outside we decided to change it . Now the male character will be standing on his own in front looking angry with the gorilla and the female together. We decided to change this as we feel it allows a better portrayal of what is going on . It is in keeping with the usual conventions as it uses visuals relative to the narrative and will also use the critics and the titles.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Development of digipak plan - 13/12/2010

During today's lesson we carried on the process of planning for the creation of our digipak. Firstly , we had to research the the dimensions of a 6 paneled digipak which then we uploaded to the blog with diagrams of what it looks like when it has been deconstructed. Again , the size of a digipak is one of the conventions which is common with every CD as it cant be too big to fit on a shelf if it is being sold. Today we also developed the first draft plan , adding colour and beginning to finalise the layout . Below is each individual panel of the digipak :

This is the front panel of our digipak . With each panel we stuck rigidly to the conventions in order to give us a good idea and also to make it look as professional as possible. Here , we have used the industry recognised size for a digipak , we did this using a CD case to draw around . This was important as it gave us as idea of what the size of it will be . However, the main convention which we have used is using an element from the narrative . The gorilla is looking at the male character angrily as he is trying to take the female character and the female character is dismissing him as she loves the gorilla. We placed the male character forward as he is the main element and focus to the video. Another convention we have used is a title of the song and the composer , which we have decided to put in black and place this on top of a white backdrop. The reason for this is that the narrative which we have used is straightforward, therefore did not want to over complicate with a disruptive colour. We also feel it allows an emphasis on the characters. Another convention we have included is the use of quotes from music magazines which are commonly used to attract buyers.

This is the inside front panel. Again the main convention used is the use of the element from the narrative. The photo is of the love interest dreaming about the gorilla. We decided this would be a good inclusion as it emphasises her love of the gorilla to the audience . Also as the digipak is opened , the narrative is told through the positioning of the image.

This is the next panel and like the one above it uses the element from the narrative. With this layout and order we wanted to be able to tell the narrative through the images , the first one was of the girl thinking about the gorilla. Therefore , we decided to do the same to place focus on the gorilla . The fact that he is thinking about a banana emphasises the spoof theme of the video and the jokey nature of it. The decision to use this highlights the gorilla role during the video .

This panel is where the CD will actually be positioned. This layout is commonly used with other digipak's which we have research. Again , we have used an element from the narrative with the use of gorilla fur as the background. We feel this again highlight the lighthearted theme but will also fit in well with the idea of the gorilla.

One of the advantages of using a 6 paneled digipak is the amount of information which you are able to place in theme . One convention which we depicted was the use of song lyrics within one of the inside covers. We have only mentioned Joe Jackson once so far on the digipak so we have decided to use this panel as an almost dedication to him , but also giving the buyer information as they will know exactly what the lyrics are . We will use a photo of him as the background with background information of him written over it.

This is the final panel and will be the back cover. One common convention which we depicted was the use of a track list , which we have also done. Furthermore, the use of a barcode and copyright information was also a common elements. We have therefore incorporated all of these into our digipak design. We will use a screen shot form the actual video of the women and the gorilla walking off. Our decision behind this was to again reveal aspects of the narrative and highlight the main aspect of the video . We also feel it fits in the with the jokey theme which we have used throughout.

Dimensions of a digipak

A digipak can comes in either 4, 8 or 8 panels allowing the inclusion of artists information in the form of a booklet or song lyrics. The digipak opens out and has slots within to include and accommodate this extra information . Below is a 4 paneled digipak which can is usually used for normal cd's:

4 panel 1 CD Digipak with tube pocket. Tray on right. 5.53" X 0.25" X 5"

Here below is the 6 paneled digipak which we will be creating , with this the artists is able to place more information about the song giving the audience more of an idea of background information:

6 panel 1 CD Digipak . Tray on right side. 5.53" X 0.31" X 5"

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Planning of the digipak - 7/12/2010

During today's lesson we began to think about the best way to go about creating the digipak. We decided to brainstorm ideas (using the conventions list as a guide) . The conventions of the digipak almost created a tick list of what needed to be included so we then began to brainstorm ideas about layout, font, text and colours . We all threw in a number of idea which we feel related to the theme running through our video. Obviously the spoof theme of the video means we want to portray a lighthearted finish with the digipak. Therefore , we decided that having the gorilla on the digipak was important as it gives the viewer and idea of what is going on . We liked the idea of almost telling a story through the digipak , each panel revealing an aspect of key themes within the narrative. Therefore, we decided to finalise ideas from the list and then apply them to a template. Below is the template which we drew up and is almost a first draft of the digipak:
Front Panel and Front Inside Panel

Both Middle panel's

Inside Back Panel and
Back Panel

Above is the first draft (as mentioned) . From here we will take the screeshots needed and then place them on photoshop to begin the editing process. During this we will finalise the font size and colours and layout , but this is useful as a guide and gives us something to refer back to.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Lesson review - 6/12/2010 by Alex Nugent and Georgia Briggs

During today's lesson we moved on from the editing process of the project on to the research stage of the digipak. Within the lesson we had to undertake in a number of tasks, which included depicting conventions of digipak's and evaluating examples of digipak's. Today, we also drafted and email to the record label that made 'is she really going out with him' by Joe Jackson. My individual role within the group was to research and display the common elements of a successful digipak. I did this by using the Internet, the main source of information came from http://www.slideshare.net/pieter1933/digipak-research-3344503, using the Eminem evaluation to depict key conventions. I then placed this onto the blog and acted as a guide of things to look out for when each person within the group evaluated their own digipak example. The next task was to then evaluate a digipak using the criteria, which I had collected. Again, the website mentioned earlier was very useful for the evaluation. The Internet allowed me to gain an example and then using screenshots i evaluated the success of the digipak. This was a useful task as it allowed me to gain an idea of what elements make the digipak successful.

(Georgia Briggs)

It was my role in todays lesson to help put together a list of what made a digipak successful, I looked at examples of digipaks and noted down what they had in common with each other and how they were different. It was evident that the genre of the music affected the appearance of the digipak significantly. I did this by using the internet as it was the most affective way of getting results quickly. We had to evaluate the digipak and state what made it successful and which of the conventions it included.

Digipak Evaluation - Megan Clarke

Madonna DVD single - Music

Madonna is a nationwide super star and has produced many albums. To enhance her merchandise Madonna created a DVD of her hit single - Music ,
that contained the songs music video. The digipak contained a direct link to the music video its self by taking images of subject matter within the video allowing for the audience to immediately relate it to the song. The digipak also contained other conventions;
  • bar code
  • Image of the artist
  • length of video/song
  • Artist logo
  • related companies used i.e Warner Brothers
  • Valid information regarding the artist/ DVD content.

Evaluation of Digipak by Alex Nugent

This is the CD digipak for nirvana's greatest hits, the front of the cover simply shows a picture of the band set amongst a black and white backdrop with the name of the band in the bottom corner. The photo of the band on the front is significant , the expression which they show is of anger and despair , which relates to the angst filled lyrics within their music. This again is emphasised with the use of black and white , a simple backdrop again emphasising the bands rejection of theatrics.

The back of the cover has a similar image as to the front , with an black and white image of the band's lead signer Kurt Cobain. The back also includes track listings , various logo's for the record label (bottom) as well as copyright information which is which is written in a very small font and also a bar code. This is a very simple layout which is common with most digipak's , however, the emphasis is on the almost motionless band member which again reflects the mood of the music and audience which they are targeting. Another common convention is the use of the CD case spine which in this case shows the name of the band and the name of the album which is very common occurrence.

Within the inside of the bak , you can see very dark colours are used , again allowing an emphasis of the anger and darkness which are portrayed within the lyrics. Unlike other digpak's , this one is very simple again highlighting the rejection of theatrics and their dislike of the mainstream . The CD within shows the name of the band and again the logo of the band and the record label and within information of the band and also the lyrics of the song.

Individual Log of Filming - Georgia Briggs

My main role within the coursework project was acting as the Gorilla.

Day One of Filming
Today, we decided to film the mirror scene when Matt tries to look like the Gorilla (my character). The main problem we came across this day of filming was the lighting. The location we were filming in was facing the sun so when the light came in through the window it was too bright to be able to see Matt properly on camera. We experimented different positions at the window and even tried to film in another room, however we found that after a while the sun had gone in and we were then able to film successfully. While we were filming we were aware that including a variety of shots was essential so we filmed shots from different perspectives and when the lyrics needed to be mimed, a particular part of the song was played so that the lyrics could be mimed exactly in time to the music. During the filming process we tried to keep to our storyboard as much as possible, but we found in some cases that the shots we had timed did not appropriately fit to the instrumentals of the song, we improvised as a group with how to solve this problem. So we decided as a group how to adapt the shot, this meant extending the length of the shot or inserting another one.

Day Two of Filming
Today we had planned to film the picnic scene outdoors, but because of heavy rain we were unable to do this. Instead, we decided to film the Male and Female introductions. Alex filmed Megan's introduction where she was getting ready and he then filmed Matt's introduction where he was getting ready for his date. These were both filmed in separate locations. Neither of the introductions involved miming, so it was a quick process.

Day Three of Filming
Today was the day we were due to film in the Cafe. Up until now our filming process had been easy because of the locations we had been filming in, as the cafe was a business in a public place we needed permission from the owner. I asked if it was possible for us to film in his cafe, and he was kind enough to give us an hour slot in the cafe to film what we needed. This put us under pressure because we had a strict time to be finished and out of the cafe. Overall the filming process went smoothly however we did come across some problems. We couldn't find the right position of where we wanted to film the "Where?!" shot. However, after trying out a few places and putting on the uniforms of the cafe workers we found the right shot. Matt was the main focus of today's filming as he had to mime a considerate amount and we needed to make sure that these were done properly otherwise the song would not be in time with the miming.

Day Four of Filming
As the weather had improved, we filmed the picnic scene at the park. In this location we had quite alot to get done which consisted of the banana feeding and Matt miming. The filming process today was a little harder than normal because we were filming in a location that is constantly used and despite the cold weather, there were alot of dog walkers so we were interrupted on numerous occasions. The glare from the sun was also a problem today, as we filmed early hours of the morning, the sun was out. We positioned the camera differently so that the glare would not affect the filming. We also had a problem with the tripod, one of the pieces that was needed to attach the camera to the tripod was missing we improvised and attached the camera to the tripod ourselves.

Day Five of Filming
Today was the final day of filming and it was the hardest day by far. We had a huge amount to film and not a great deal of time. We had problems with our location to start with, this was because of the time we actually got up to Chancery Lane, it was very busy and it meant that it wasn't really suitable to film there. Ideally we did want people to be in our surroundings but not to that extent. For me, this day was by far the most embarrassing, although i had got used to being in the Gorilla costume and having people watching me, I felt a lot more exposed this day and felt like people were watching me a lot more.

Digipak Analysis - Megan Clarke

The Killers Greatest Hits

This specific digipak has been made to case a bands greatest hits throughout their career. It is vital that this digipak tells the audience that this isn't a typical album and contains both old and new material.
In keeping with the idea of 'Greatest Hits' they have
shown images of their previous albums.

This provides the audience with a basic knowledge of what previous albums have been used to select the chosen songs.
This digipak follows other conventions such as;
  • Displaying the record label logo.
  • information regarding the band i.e. the band mates and their roles.
  • They have i direct link between the album subject matter and the bad. Due to it being a 'Greatest Hits' album they have used images of the band in black and white enhancing the fact that the songs on the album are older and are more regarded as classics from the band.
  • Band name / Band logo
  • Album title

Evaluation of Michael Jackson by Matt Boulton

There are many conventions of a digipak. The example I am evaluating is Michael Jackson Greatest Hits. I chose this example as it will give me ideas on what is to be included in our CD digipak.

The artist name and album title is clear on the front cover, also showing an image of Michael Jackson. For the front cover, the background is just white, this works well because it makes the image of Michael Jackson stand out, also making the artist name stand out, being in red font. As you can see by the images of the other albums from the inside of the digipak, this is not unusual for Michael Jackson album covers, however comparing it o other artists greatest hits covers, this is not the conventional method used.

As you can see the inside cover has got a brief statement about Michael Jackson's music, for example, giving dates when the songs on the album were created. This is a good thing to have on the CD digipak as it gives the consumer information they may want to know.
At the end of the brief statement it gives the consumer pictures of the covers of all the songs albums in this greatest hits digipak.
The background picture for the inside cover is the legendary white shocks thats Michael Jackson wears. This picture is used as it is a picture that represents Michael Jackson through out his career, even though this is the greatest hits and that was the image from one of Michael Jackson's first albums.
The CDs are made to look like vinyls, which is another convention used. This works well because it gives the album a dated fell however is still a modern product.

Song Permission Email

Due to copyright limitations concerning usage of our chosen song 'Is she really going out with him' by Joe Jackson we sent an email to A&M records regarding permission;

To whom it may concern,
I am sending this email in regards to using one of your songs in my A2 media coursework at Trinity Catholic High School.
For our media coursework we had to produce our own music video along with a digipak and advertisement campaign. We have chosen to use one of your featured artists - Joe Jackson 'Is she really going out with him'.
Our final music video must be uploaded to youtube for people to view and for it to be further uploaded to our blog.
I would be very grateful if we had your permission to use the featured song.

Many Thanks
Megan Clarke

Evaluation Of A Digipak by Georgia Briggs

I chose to evaluate the Harry Potter Digipak. I chose this one in particular because it is in DVD format and as our coursework project is a Music Video, it will be presented on a DVD. I thought that using this example would be useful as I will be able to get an idea of what needs to be included.

As part of my evaluation I will breakdown the elements of the Digipak and compare and contrast them to typical conventions of a Digipak .

These conventions are:
- The name of the Artist (it will be the name of the Actor/Actress)

- The name of the Album (in this case it will be the name of the film)

- Tracklisting (include bonus extra's such as 'behind the scenes' and/or 'making of' features) (this will include scene selection and bon
us features included with the DVD)

- Website and Myspace addresses (will be the official website of the DVD)

- Record Label branding (in this case it will be the name of the producer e.g Warner Brothers)

This is featured in the trailer to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

- Pictures of the band members or relevant visual imagery to sell the band (must be a different image to those used on the magazine ad) and it must be manipulated in some way (effect) (for this particular example it will be pictures of the characters, Harry Potter.)

- Price (normally positioned by the barcode on the back of the case)

- Website (will not always be included with the digipak)

- Credits (will be positioned on the back of the case)

- Who wrote the songs (Director, Producers and other staff.)

- Logo (there will normally be a typical logo that will be carried on throughout all the films)

- Barcode

- DVD logo

- CD logo

- Website banner

Conventions of a digi-pak

A digi-pak is a patented style of compact disc or DVD packaging which is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums. The conventions of a digi-pack alter according to artists however below is a list conventions which are commonly used :
  • Logo of record label in the corner.
  • Copyright information in small print on usually on the back of the cover.
  • Intertextual references.
  • Bar code on the back.
  • Artists name and title on spine.
  • Art work which reflects themes within the music of the artist.
  • logo of band.
  • For music with inappropriate language or themes there is an age rating for the song.
  • 'Explicit lyrics' written on the top and 'Parental advisory' written on the bottom.
These are the most common conventions used however they differ depending on the type of artists and the type of music being created.

Below are two exa
mples of digipak's :

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Individual Log Megan Clarke

Prior to the filming and editing process we began planning our music video. Throughout the planning process I tried to bring forward as many creative contributions as possible. This included ideas about costume design, setting and narrative. Having four people in our group allowed for vast amounts of creative contribution and so the planning process became easier.
Following the planning process was the tricky task of filming our music video. On our first day of filming we decided that it would be beneficial for each member of the group to have an individual role. I played the role of the narratives 'Love interest', I also gave active contribution in the event of improvisation. Several times throughout filming a change in location or uncertainty in our narrative had occurred, meaning that we would need to improvise on the day. This bought out many of our skills as a team and emphasised our understanding of what we wanted to achieve overall. I personally found the filming very enjoyable however, our last day of filming was very hectic and busy. We were filming the end scene which was located in the heart of London. We was under a tight schedule for completion and the sun was going down very quickly. Once it was completed I felt we had been very successful in being creative and using individual locations very well to suit the narrative.
After two weeks of intense filming we begun our editing process. We all took it in turn to try our hand at editing. As our music video contained a vast majority of miming we felt it was vital that we used the latest technology to help us time the miming with the song. When at the locations of filming we played the song out loud for Matt to hear and mime along to. This use of technology allowed for our miming to be nearly perfect and so making our editing process a lot easier. We had few implications when it came to our editing. Some of our shots were not long enough or did not contain enough shot variety. To overcome this creative ideas were proposed such as, using transitions black screens or editing different shots and combining them.
Overall, I enjoyed the process of making our music video and i believe it has come together as we had hope.

Digital Technology

Throughout the entire process of producing a music video we have come across several different designs of digital technology for different purposes.
Using blogger to constantly log our process, changes and limitations we came across when undergoing the tasks involved in creating our music video allowed for use to enhance our digital technology knowledge and become creative in our presenting.
Further more, we have used the internet many times. Using the internet for research of conventions, example music videos and information regarding our song and record label 'A&M' has enabled us to produce a detailed and precise log. Gaining this valid information from websites such as www.wikipedia.org/, www.aandmrecords.co.uk/ and www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/theressomethingaboutmary/isshereallygoingoutwithhim.htm havehelped us to full understand what we wanted to achieve when creating this music video is regards to the genre, narrative and content.