Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Locations for filming

After completing the animatic storyboard we wanted to start thinking about locations for filming. The first actions within the video involve Matt and Megan getting ready for their date ; this will be done using two different house. We wanted to be as creative as possible with both our video idea and concept so we want locations which match this creativity. Therefore , we wanted find locations in and around London as we feel it will suit the unconventional approach and allow us to get the reaction of the public. We also feel it allows for many options . For the picnic scene we will use Hyde Park we feel it is large and open as is a better idea than using a local park as it shows time and effort has been placed into filming the video. Obviously, Hyde Park is a large place so we will choose the precise location on the day.

Another location is Carnaby Street , where the fight seen happens and where the man and the Gorilla finally confront. This location has been thought up as like Hyde Park it is quite open and will hopefully allow for us to get the publics reaction meaning we can emphasise the strangeness of the topic which is used within the video.

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