Thursday, 10 February 2011

Evaluation task 4

How did you use new technologies in research/planning , construction and evalution stages?

Planning and research stage

During the creation of the music video we has used digital technology extensively which has aided us in the research/planning , construction and finally the evaluation stage of the project. The research and planning stage gave us the opportunity to use a variety of equipment , however the main piece of digital technology used was the Internet. The use of Google enabled us to search specific conventions of a music video. As well as finding out general information we were also able to use the Internet as a way find specific examples . We did this by using Youtube , which allowed us to watch music videos and depict conventions which were commonly used.

This was extremely important as it allowed us to gain a bank of background information. Another tool which proved very effective was the blogger website. This allowed us to display all findings from research and keep a log of each lesson which allowed for developments to be shown . It was used throughout each stage of the production process and allowed for each group member to place their own information and research to create and extensive bank of research.

We also used the Internet to gain background information on the artist Joe Jackson. This was important as it enabled us to find out more about the genre of music which he created , the new wave genre was an important element of the video as it enabled us to create this unusual love triangle which the video is based heavily on.


During this stage , digital technology was extremely important ; not only did it enable us to shoot the video but also allowed us to edit the piece. The first piece of technology used was the camera which allowed us to capture moving images. We were able to be creative with this as we could use a variety of shots to help display the narrative:

Another piece of equipment which was extremely important was the Imovie HD software , an industry renowned piece of equipment which allowed us to cut and edit clips. We used this to construct the video and whilst using it were able to apply effects over the video . It allowed us to slow down clips and also add transitions into the video. This software was very useful for us as it allowed us to place the song over the video and ensure lip-syncing was perfectly precise and also on time.

Again , we were able to use this Internet at the construction stage . We used 'Vimeo' to upload out video . This was important as it allowed us to distribute our final video .


The main piece of technology used in the evaluation stages of the project was the Camera . This allowed us to interview pupils to see what they thought about our project. This was important as it meant we were not restricted and could hold a conversation and really get peoples thoughts and opinions on what we had done. Similarly , we used Youtube to distribute the clips and allow us to place them on the blog.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Lesson review - 31./1/2011 & 1/2/2011

During this week we have been completing out evaluation tasks which enable us to assess the success of the three products which we have completed . This is achieved through various tasks , which enable us to ask other students what they think of the video and also allow us to emphasise key elements which we think highlight our ability to produce a successful music video. The first evaluation task allowed us to point to specific music video conventions , we were able to do this by print screening certain sections of the music video and giving a brief description of how it used ; the style of the video , costume/props , camera work, editing , special effects , links with the artists and their style. We also used a similar procedure with the second evaluation task where we had to show how the three products linked together. We did this by using youtube to create a slide show of images with annotation of where the link was and how we used it. The third task was the audience feedback where we were able to get opinions on what people thought of our products. We used a camera to interview and then Imovie HD to edit each one.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Evaluation activity 2 and Evaluation activity 3

Evaluation activity 3 - Audience feedback
The main positives which can be drawn from this audience feedback is the fact that our focus on narrative was successful . Each person who i interviwed stated how they clearly understood the narrative and that it stood out well. Therefore, our goal was achieved as we used lyrics effectively to portray this. However , the main drawbacks of the video was the lack of shot variety and also how some actions within the video seemed either a little out of place or hard to follow.
What did you learn from your audience feedback?

Looking at the video you can see that we learned a number of things from the feedback we got from the audience. We learned what we could've been improved for example, the length of shot and variety of shot. While looking back at our video we also thought that if we had the chance to re-do/improve the coursework we would change that anyway. We felt that we should've spent more time on our advert as we put a lot of our efforts as a group into the digi-pak design and production, so we thought that the advert would've looking more professional had we spent more time on it. We also learned what the audience liked the most about our production which was good to hear because it meant that we successfully put across the right emotions to the audience as they understood the humour element to our spoof video.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Discuss how your digipak use typical conventions of layout.

Discuss how your digipak use typical conventions of layout. by Matt Boulton

This is the inside right cover of the digipak, as you can see there are a few conventions that are here that re used in many conventions. Firstly we have used lyrics so that people can read the lyrics to the song if they want to. Many digipaks use this convention. We have also added a picture of Joe Jackson for people who do not know who Joe Jackson is, and finally we have kept the bright colour theme so the digipak seems more appealing.